Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 101-110 of 259

Real Estate Reality Check

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

I believe in Real Estate. I believe that it is the fastest way to build wealth and financial stability with the least amount of risk. Naturally, I am a bit biased, but no one has to be a genius to understand the principles of buying, selling, owning, renting, and speculating with Real Estate. At some point, every tenant needs a new place to sleep, work, or recreate - and you the INVESTOR get to play the role as provider for that need. It is really that simple.

In watching the market for some time now, I've seen 5 factors that effect the market: Iventory, Interest Rates, Mortgage Availability, Consumer Confidence, and Unemployment.

Here's a reality check for us all....

Inventory) - We're at an all time high. This means choice.

Interest Rates - We're at an all time low. This means affordability.

Mortgage Availability) - At least 90% of the people that I send to lenders get qualified. If you want a loan, chances are I can get you one.

Consumer Confidence) - We just had the most sales for August in our company history. The consumer is quite confident.

Unemployment) - The entire country wishes things were different, but we've seen "blue skies" here in North Texas.

No matter if its a $20,000 home or a multi-million dollar project, they all count. I would love to help you build wealth for yourself and future generations. Register @ to keep your thumb on the market.

"The truly great tragedy is the destruction of our human resources by our failure to fully utilize our abilities, which means that most men and women go to their graves with their music still in them.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

Make it a great week.

Ashton's Weekly Update - Time to Buy.

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Did you know that you have 92,750 reasons to be happy if you missed the 1st Time Home Buyer Tax Credit?

Less than 2 years ago, rates were at 6.5% fixed on a 30 year conventional loan.

Lately, with Wichita Falls local lenders, rates have hit 4.5% and below on a 30 year conventional loan.*

If you took a $200,000 loan out, this change in interest charged would save you $92,750 over the life of the loan, as compared to where rates were not long ago.

This is a HUGE savings and should not be taken lightly. See for every home available at this time in our market. Simply click request a showing, and I'll meet you there at a time that works for you.

And if you want to invest, see

Best of luck in all you do this week.

"Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value." Albert Einstein

Wichita Falls Open House - September 12 - 5003 Silvercrest

by Ashton Gustafson

5003 Silvercrest  - Wichita Falls, TX

Open from 1:15 - 3:15 - Sunday September 12, 2010

For sale or lease -  $259,900 or $1975/month.

This Wachsman home is just like new and has it all! Great storage space, 4 beds, 2 baths, 3 car garage, and a wonderful master suite with luxurious bath and closet area. Home faces west, so you have great evening shade for grilling on covered patio. The chef of the family will enjoy the kitchen that has beautiful granite, stainless appliances, and bar area.

Good Monday Morning!

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

As Ranch Round Up moves on to another year, we now welcome the Hotter'n Hell 100 this weekend. If you or someone you know is looking to register, see   The Hotter 'N Hell 100 is one of the oldest and largest cycling events in the nation. Fitness oriented riders and bicycle racers will come to Wichita Falls, Texas, from virtually every state and several foreign countries. 

August? Slow? No.

At the Bishop Realtor Group, we seek to break the mold. This month alone, we have sold a property every day. With school starting, vacations ending, and the HEAT, August tends to be one of the slower months. The hard works of our team has not allowed this to be the case, and we look to get over 30 properties in contract this month. If you have interest in selling, click

365 Wichita Falls

I have decided to put together a list, one a day for the next year, to give myself and others ideas to get out and see the city as they have not seen it before. We will take 365 Days of things to do, places to see, eating establishments, and events to go to in Wichita Falls. Enjoy and feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions. Subscribe @

And don't forget the AG Referral Program. To see what you and your friends can received for referring your friends and family, see

Best of luck this week!

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." Ralph Waldo Emerson

365 Wichita Falls Is Up & Running

by Ashton Gustafson

365 Things to do in Wichita Falls...

Having been born and raised in Wichita Falls I decided to come back after college to pursue my career in real estate. Now, after being back I have realized that there is still so much to Wichita Falls that I still have not seen.

I have decided to put together a list, one a day for the next year, to give myself and others ideas to get out and see the city as they have not seen it before. Enjoy and feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions.

To join this movement - see

Ashton's Wichita Falls Update

by Ashton Gustafson


Good Monday morning to you!

Local Market News

Local lenders this last week locked in my clients with 15 year rates @ 3.75% - no points paid. That is unbelievable - remember, to see just how GREAT these rates are.
The Prairie

If you have not taken the short drive out to The Prairie Development, please do. The Prairie is a residential green development located  just 10 minutes from Wichita Falls, Texas off of FM 1954 on Decker Road. It consists of 200+ acres with 28 available home sites made up of five to seven acres each. See for more information.

Ashton's View

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb.

So true. I find this Proverb very insightful, in regards to Real Estate and Real Estate Investment. Think about it...we have never seen interest rates like we have right now (affordability). Furthermore, there has never been more inventory available for sale (opportunity). You may not be looking to invest today, but I encourage everyone to start thinking about it. One of my goals is to have as many people I know increase their wealth, and understand the beauty of owning income producing properties. How predictable, stable, and profitable do you want your future to be income stream? If you're interested, let's talk about planting a tree soon.

Don't forget

Make it a great week!

Ashton Gustafson, e-Pro, CDPE
Owner - Bishop Realtor Group
Realtor Magazine Selected- 30 under 30

New City Rating May Lower Insurance Premiums - Wichita Falls, TX

by Ashton Gustafson

Contact Barry Levy
City of Wichita Falls Public Information Officer
August 10, 2010

New City Rating May Lower Insurance Premiums

 The Wichita Falls Fire Department and City Leaders are pleased to announce that the City's Public Protection Classification (PPC) has been upgraded from a "3" to a "2" by the insurance Services Office (ISO). This rating is used to help establish appropriate fire insurance premiums for residential and commercial properties and will become effective December 1, 2010. Public Protection Classifications are assigned on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 representing superior property fire protection, according to the Insurance Service Office.
 " This new rating is the direct result of 15 years of extensive planning and improvements by the Fire Department, Public Works Department, and City leaders," said Wichita Falls Fire Chief Earl Foster. In 1995, the City received a PPC of "3", and since then City and Fire Department have been working toward improving that PPC rating. Fire stations were relocated, personnel were added, new equipment and apparatus were purchased, a new Dispatch Center and fire department training facilities were constructed, and the water distribution system was substantially improved," said Foster.

 The ISO conducted a survey of the City and Fire Department in November of 2009.  The survey collected information about the City's fire protection efforts including fire alarm and communication systems, engine companies, ladder or service companies, distribution of fire stations and fire companies, equipment carried on apparatus, pumping capacity, reserve apparatus, department personnel, training and a review of the City's water supply system. The results of the survey were released to the City in May of this year and approved in July by the State Fire Marshal.
 "The PPC rating for Wichita Falls now ranks in the top 1.29% (618 out of 48,086) of all communities nationally," said Foster. "Wichita Falls now ranks in the top 5.11% (123 out of 2,405) of all communities state-wide.  Only 60 communities in the United States and only 13 communities in Texas have a "1" rating and rank above Wichita Falls," Foster continued.

 An improved PPC Rating may affect the cost of property insurance for businesses and residences, although, a number of factors go into determining insurance premiums. Communities having a good PPC rating generally have lower insurance premiums than communities having a poor PPC Rating. The ISO does not establish the rates for insurance premiums, individual insurance companies determine rates.  Citizens and businesses should contact their insurance company to determine how the improved PPC Rating will affect the cost of their insurance.

 The new PPC rating does not become effective until December 1st, 2010.  New property insurance policies and renewal of existing property insurance policies prior to December 1st will be based on the old PPC rating.  Policies, new or renewed, activated after December 1st will be based on the new PPC rating of two. For more information please contact Wichita Falls Fire Chief Earl Foster at 761-7901.

Wichita Falls Real Estate Update

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Texas Ranch Roundup

One of the finest traditions our community has is the Texas Ranch Roundup. This 2 day event allows us all to revisit the historical ranching heritage of Texas and the true working cowboy. This event will be August 20-21 @ MPEC. I have 2 tickets that I'm going to give away. All you have to do is email me with Ranch Roundup in the subject line and attach your Name, Number and Address. Good luck! For ticket information call the K.Y.C. box office at (940)716-5555 or

AG Referral Program -

By referring your friends to myself or the Bishop Realtor Group, you could receive dinner for 4 at Salt and Pepper, Pasquals, or the restaurant of your choice.  Do you have friends, family or co-workers who may be interested in selling their home or even buying a new home in the next 6 months? Please send us the contact information of referrals that may be looking to buy or sell in the near future. And go to for more information!

Foreclosure Answers

Today, nearly 1 out of every 6 homeowners in America is behind on mortgage payments. These are tough and frustrating times. Now more than ever, it's important to identify your options. Foreclosure can be avoided, your credit can be saved, and your financial future can be salvaged. Through my experience handling distressed properties, I've found that homeowners today have more questions than answers about their circumstances. I have created this site,,  to help you understand the possible solutions to foreclosure, as well as provide a detailed explanation of short sales, which may be the best course of action for some homeowners.

If there is anything else I can do for you or someone you may know this week, please let me know!

Make it a great week!

"Find what you do well and perfect it." David L. Cook

29th Annual Hotter'n Hell 100 - Wichita Falls, TX

by Ashton Gustafson

Its now time for another Hotter'n Hell 100! See for more information.

Hotter 'N Hell Hundred and the cycling community of America can look forward to continued innovation in 2009, GPS mapping, and changes to Hell’s Gate. Riders and racers from all over the USA will celebrate the 29th annual Hotter 'N Hell Hundred on Aug. 29, 2009. Hotter 'N Hell Hundred will continue to excite record numbers of participants and add to their fitness experience. The Hotter 'N Hell Hundred is one of the oldest and largest cycling events in the nation. Fitness oriented riders and bicycle racers will come to Wichita Falls, Texas, from virtually every state and several foreign countries. They will set their calendars for the week of Aug. 27 - Aug. 30, 2008. The official ride start will be approximately 7:00 a.m. (official sun rise) on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2009. The Endurance ride is Saturday Aug. 29,2009 with USA Cycling racing on Friday and Saturday. The HHH will continue to offer an off-road mountain bike race on Friday August 28, 2009 and a trail run on Sunday August 30, 2009 as well. By the way, the HHH is always 9 days before Labor Day.

Several things happen during the Hotter 'N Hell weekend. The activities that comprise the HHH are: Registration, Consumer Show, Spaghetti Dinner, USA Cycling Criterium Race, USA Cycling Road Race, the Hotter 'N Hell Hundred Endurance Ride, an Off-Road bicycle race, off-road trail run along with entertainment food and fellowship at the Finish Line Village. In other words, HHH is not just one day, it is at least 4 days of challenging and inspiring activities.

Endurance cyclists will face wind and heat with the help of 4,000 event volunteers on routes up to 100 miles. The Hotter 'N Hell Hundred route is rolling with some long inclines accentuated by incessant wind. With the huge consumer products show, off-road mountain biking and USA Cycling Races over the weekend, the Hotter 'N Hell offers an awesome start and the greatest weekend on two wheels. If you are going to ride 100 miles, the best place to do it is at the Hotter 'N Hell Hundred!

People ask what you get when you register for the HHH. It is a grueling day in the sun so what does a rider get besides sore muscles, tired posterior, sense of accomplishment and several hours of pure cycling madness? There is no answer that fits all. Riders pit themselves against the road and elements for different reasons. What everyone does get is a ride T-shirt and water bottle, goodie bag, free stuff from the consumer show, his or her share of 15,000 gallons of hydration fluid, truck loads of fruit, pickles, thousands of helpers on the route and a hard-earned finisher pin.
Route distances are:
10K - 25 mile - 50 mile - 100K - 100 mile
Riders for the 100 miles need to be aware of Hell's Gate! Hell's gate is located at the 60.3 mile mark on the 100 mile route. Hell's Gate normally closes at 12:30 p.m. unless weather conditions force an early closure. Riders who reach Hell's Gate after closure are directed to a shorter route that finishes the day with 84 miles. This year, rest stops prior to Hell’s Gate will display closure status so riders can adjust their pace to reach Hell's Gate prior to closing. The process for closing Hell's Gate will be reviewed in the Ride Tabloid mailed during the spring of 2009.

10K: This short route is for those who don't ride much but want to experience the dynamics and human energy unleashed at the starting line.
Off Road: HHH weekend includes a 10-mile off-road route. The start is adjacent to the 100-mile start. The trail will be open all day but will be swept for survivors at 6 p.m. on Friday and 1 p.m. on Saturday. The trail is single track with quick short climbs and drops. The route is fun but riders are reminded that these nature trails are on natural surfaces surrounded by trees, water, wild animals, pointy objects and poison ivy. Off-roading requires skill and caution on the part of the rider.

EntryFee: HHH has worked hard to keep entry fees as low as possible. To help families, there is a family discount. Regular registration is $30. The family discount is applied to registrations from the same household after the first full fee is paid. The maximum is 5 discounts per household. The family rate is $25. The family discount is available during early registration which expires July 31, 2009. All family discount registrations need to be received at one time and paid all together. Riders can register on line, by mail, fax, or in person. Late registration is $35.

Timing: Riders can request electronic timing. For an additional $5.00 ($7 at late registration) riders will use a state-of-the-art electronic timing chip and receive comparative speed and elapsed time information by age and gender. Riders that pre-register can contract for text messaging service as they cross the finish line.


Or join them on Facebook @

Get Your Ranch Roundup Tickets!

by Ashton Gustafson

Its time to get your tickets for the 30th Annual Texas Ranch Roundup here in Wichita Falls, TX!!!

 The Original Texas Ranch Roundup began in 1981 and is held annually every August in Wichita Falls.  To be eligbile to participate in the TRR, a ranch must be selected by the Roundup Committee with consideration given to working ranch status, length of ownership or management and historical significance.  Contestants and alternates must be full time employees of their ranches, and they must have been employed a minimum of six months.  They ride their own horse or one belonging to the ranch.  What makes the Texas Ranch Roundup unique is that it incorporates the entire ranch family with a cookin' contest as well as a festival including photography, painting & drawing, furniture, crafts and western handiwork.  Winners of these events earn points that, combined with their points in the rodeo, make up the Ranch Roundup winner.

THE 2010 RANCHES:  R.A. Brown Ranch, Circle Bar Ranch, JA Ranch, Johnson Ranches, Pitchfork Land & Cattle Co., Rocker b Ranch, Spade Ranches, Swenson Land & Cattle Co., Tongue River Ranches & W.T. Waggoner Estate
THE EVENTS: Wild Cow Milking, Calf Doctoring, Ranch Bronc Riding, Team Branding, Team Penning & Top Hand-Top Horse
WHEN: The 2010 Ranch Roundup will be held August 20 & 21 at the Kay Yeager Coliseum in downtown Wichita Falls.  During both days, a Bit, Spur & Western Collectibles Trade Show with over 200 booths will be held in the MPEC Exhibit Hall from 9am-7:30pm.  The Ranch Cutting Horse Competition will be held at the J.S. Bridwell Arena Friday morning at 7:30 and a Ranch Horse Competition will take place Saturday morning at the K.Y.C. at 7:30.
You can get your tickets at MPEC - see
Come out and enjoy a great time for a GREAT cause!!!

Displaying blog entries 101-110 of 259

Contact Information

Photo of Ashton Gustafson Real Estate
Ashton Gustafson
The Bishop Realtor Group
1916 N. Elmwood Ave.
Wichita Falls TX 76308
Office: 940-691-7355
Fax: 940-691-7363