Get Your Ranch Roundup Tickets!
Its time to get your tickets for the 30th Annual Texas Ranch Roundup here in Wichita Falls, TX!!!
The Original Texas Ranch Roundup began in 1981 and is held annually every August in Wichita Falls. To be eligbile to participate in the TRR, a ranch must be selected by the Roundup Committee with consideration given to working ranch status, length of ownership or management and historical significance. Contestants and alternates must be full time employees of their ranches, and they must have been employed a minimum of six months. They ride their own horse or one belonging to the ranch. What makes the Texas Ranch Roundup unique is that it incorporates the entire ranch family with a cookin' contest as well as a festival including photography, painting & drawing, furniture, crafts and western handiwork. Winners of these events earn points that, combined with their points in the rodeo, make up the Ranch Roundup winner.