Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 81-90 of 107

Wichita Falls Weekly Real Estate Update

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you and Happy Labor Day!

Its hard to believe that we are now 2/3 into 2009. 1st Time Home Buyers now have roughly 90 days to find a home and close before the Tax Credit expires. I saw rates this week hit 5.25% FIXED for 30 Years with local lenders this week - its time to capitalize on this opportunity.

And don't forget my Stimulus Package for buyers! I have negotiated discounts with numerous local vendors to make your next move affordable and stress free. Call or email me if you would like more details.

I hope you and yours have a great Labor Day Holiday - and if you're free this Thursday from 5:30 - 7:00, Kevin Rhine and I will be playing the Summer Music Series @ The Museum at Sikes Lake - should be a great time!

Need quick answers in regards to Real Estate? Remember these sites: - For Buyers - For Sellers - Foreclosed Properties - Market Update

"Never will I be of concern that my goals are too high, for it is it not better to aim my spear at the moon and strike only an eagle than to aim my spear at the eagle and strike only a rock?" Og Mandino

Wichita Falls Real Estate Update - August 24, 2009

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

This past week was favorable for rates as we saw many local lenders offer rates again below 5.375 on a 30 year fix.

I encourage you to listen to my Pod Cast this month to hear about many things affecting the Real Estate sector.
Here I discuss the 1st Time Home Buyer Tax Credit and other useful information.
Click to listen.

Have you thought about investing? I've found many great buys lately that would make great rentals.
Click to have them sent to you each Wednesday.

Wondering about the homes for sale in your neighborhood? You can find them all at my buyer's only site.
Click for every home for sale in the Greater Wichita Falls MLS.

If I can serve you or anyone you may know this week, please let me know - I'm here to help.

"Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance." Francis of Assisi

Today's Mortgage Rate Update

by Ashton Gustafson

August 7, 2009

The 10 yr bond which has influence on mortgage rates has been in a steady climb this week and we have seen rates follow.  Last week the 10 yr bond was in the 3.5% range and today it is currently trading around 3.85%.  Consequently, mortgage rates have climbed.  I don’t know where we are headed but the last time the 10 yr bond ran to the 4% range, 30 year mortgage rates went to 5.875%.  Fortunately, rates receded back into the 5.25% range, but have been on another climb since then.
Today’s rates:
30 yr conventional           5.625% 0+0  (740 FICO, loan amount >$125,000)
15 yr conventional           4.875% 0+0  (740 FICO, loan amount >$125,000)
30 yr                                      5.625% 0+0  (660 FICO, loan amount >$120,000)
15 yr                                      4.875% 0+0 (660 FICO, loan amount >$120,000)
Another option for a conventional product:
If you have a buyer that is only planning on living in the home for a few years (relocation, planned move up):
5/1 ARM with 30 yr amortization               4.625% 0+0         (740 FICO, loan amount >$125,000)

New Regulation Z Rules

by Ashton Gustafson

This is from Jeff McClatchy @ Fidelity Bank - for more information - contact Jeff directly @ 940.763.2100




New Regulation Z Rules Effective July 30, 20O9

The Federal Reserve has approved new rules concerning Regulation Z / Truth in Lending (TIL)

disclosures which go into effect on July 30, 2009 for ALL loan applications. The rules apply to

all mortgage lenders including brokers, bankers, wholesalers, federal or state banks and

credit unions.


In summary:

• Prior to issuance of the three-day disclosures, ONLY a credit report fee can be collected up

front. No other fees may be collected until AFTER the initial disclosures are issued.


• A new statement will be added to both the initial and final disclosure that states, "You are

not required to complete this agreement merely because you have received these disclosures or

signed a loan application."


• There is a MANDATORY seven business day (all days except Sunday and holidays)

waiting period from the time the initial TIL is issued to the time of closing. For example,

if the loan application is taken on Monday and the disclosures aren't issued to the borrower until

Wednesday, the loan cannot close until the following Thursday. The option to transfer a loan from

another lender one day and close it the next day has been prohibited.


• If the final TIL changes from the initial TIL (primarily meaning the APR changes by 1/8% up or

down), there is a MANDATORY three business day waiting period from the time the new

TIL is received by the borrower to when the loan can close. If the new TIL is mailed, then it

is a MANDATORY six business day waiting period.


• The new rules apply to owner-occupied purchases, refinances, second homes and

home equity loans. They do not apply to non-owner-occupied properties or home equity lines

of credit (HELOC).

Lenders must allow adequate time for locks; and ensure fees are accurate at the beginning of the

loan application; and items which impact the APR (i.e., fees, loan amount, interest rates) do not

change during the loan transaction. Additionally, short close contracts (less than seven days)

cannot be written.


Fines and penalties for violating the regulations include:

• Civil liability (lawsuits)

• Criminal liability ($5,000 and up to one year in jail)

• Administration actions (cease and desist orders)

• Possible forgiveness of the debt to the borrower


To review the regulations, visit:

Now is the time to buy in Wichita Falls.

by Ashton Gustafson

Rates have increased due to concerns over government spending and inflation concerns.   If trends continue rates will continue to rise with periods of stable rates that staircase upward.

If you are looking for a home, you must see . This site is the 1 stop shop for everyone looking for a home.

Breaking News Regarding $8000 Tax Credit

by Ashton Gustafson

I wanted to let you know about some interesting news that was just released today in regards to the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit. Shaun Donovan, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said that the Federal Housing Administration is going to permit its lenders to allow homeowners to use the $8,000 tax credit as a down payment.

Secretary Donovan said that important changes, which the National Association of Realtors® has been calling for, will help consumers purchase a home. “We all want to enable FHA consumers to access the home buyer tax credit funds when they close on their home loans so that the cash can be used as a down payment,” Donovan said. According to Donovan, the FHA’s approved lenders will be permitted to “monetize” the tax credit through short-term bridge loans. This will allow eligible home buyers to access the funds immediately at the closing table."

While this article didn't go into detail about how this will work, this could be very good news for first time home buyers! As always, I will keep you updated with any and all new information regarding the housing market. Again, if you or anyone you may know is a first time home buyer - please have them contact me or see to take advantage of this opportunity.

Breaking News Regarding $8000 Tax Credit

by Ashton Gustafson

I wanted to let you know about some interesting news that was just released today in regards to the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit. Shaun Donovan, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said that the Federal Housing Administration is going to permit its lenders to allow homeowners to use the $8,000 tax credit as a down payment.

Secretary Donovan said that important changes, which the National Association of Realtors® has been calling for, will help consumers purchase a home. “We all want to enable FHA consumers to access the home buyer tax credit funds when they close on their home loans so that the cash can be used as a down payment,” Donovan said. According to Donovan, the FHA’s approved lenders will be permitted to “monetize” the tax credit through short-term bridge loans. This will allow eligible home buyers to access the funds immediately at the closing table."

While this article didn't go into detail about how this will work, this could be very good news for first time home buyers! As always, I will keep you updated with any and all new information regarding the housing market. Again, if you or anyone you may know is a first time home buyer - please have them contact me or see to take advantage of this opportunity.

When & How Is The FTHB Assistance Available?

by Ashton Gustafson

The 4th in the series of the First-Time Homebuyers Program administered by the Neighborhood Resources Division  - The City of Wichita Falls, Texas is information on what to do if your home needs repairs and how the program is available to you.  If you are not familiar with the previous three series, please take a moment to read these to find out how you can benefit from this great opportunity.

What If The Home Needs Repairs Before It Passes Inspection?

After the inspection of the property, a report will be sent ot your REALTOR(R)  and lender that describes  the needed repairs.  The seller usually performs this work up to the repair limits in the sales contract.  However in some cases, the buy and seller may negotiate the completion of the required repairs.  When repairs are complete, the house is re-inspected.  Also the FTHB Program may possibly provide assistance to the buyer after the closing for a major item (e.g roof, electrical) now working properly but in the judgement of the City's inspector, is approaching the end of its useful life and needs replacement.  These repairs are made after the closing.

When And How Is The FTHB Assistance Made Available To Me?

After you have met all program requirements and the home passes inspection, a check for $7,500 is issued to your title company for the day of closing.

After Closing, Then What?

After closing, your occupancy of the home may be periodically monitored by the Neighborhood Resources Division during the period of the lien.

Remember, you can contact me for more information on this great program and I can assist you in finding the home that meets your goals.  I can even set you up to receive daily emails alerts on homes as the become available within your price range.

Take advantage of this program now and let's start building equity for you!

Applying For The First-Time Homebuyers Program

by Ashton Gustafson

If you have been following my blog this week you have been learning about the First-Time Homebuyers Program administered by the Neighborhood Resources Division of the City of Wichita Falls, Texas.  Now you are most likely wondering


First you must apply for a standard mortgage loan (no sub-prime loans allowed) for one of the Participating Lenders, which you can find on my website or from a a recognized mortgage lender who agrees to meet program requirements.  Just mention to your lender or REALTOR(R) that you want to apply for the First-Time Homebuyers assistance through the City of Wichita Falls. (You can apply for a loan and the First-Time Homebuyers Program even before you have found a home!)

Now What?

After your lender pre-qualifies you for a mortgage loan, call the First-Time Homebuyers Program at 761-7448 for an appointment.  Bring with you:

  • Your real estate contract
  • A copy of the loan application that the lender may have provided you
  • Copies of recent earnings
  • Income and benefits statement for all members of the household.

The City of Wichita Falls Neigborhood Resources Division will explain the program requirements, answer any questions you may have, and give you an application to fill out and return.

After you return your application and sales contract to the First-Time Homebuyers Program, they will schedule an inspection of the property to determine if the home meets the required federal and local property standards.

Now, if you are a little overwhlemed by all that is involved, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions.  And, remember, NOW is the time to start building the future you have always dreamed of!


First Time Home Buyer - Credit - Wichita Falls

by Ashton Gustafson



Frequently Asked Questions

In 2008, Congress enacted a $7500 tax credit designed to be an incentive for first-ime homebuyers to purchase a home. The credit was designed as a mechanism to decrease the over-supply of homes for sale. For 2009, Congress has increased the credit to $8000 and made several additional improvements. This revised $8000 tax credit applies to purchases on or after January 1, 2009 and before December 1, 2009.









Tax Credits -- The Basics


1. What’s this new homebuyer tax incentive for 2009?

The 2008 $7500, repayable credit is increased to $8000 and the repayment feature is eliminated for 2009 purchasers. Any home that is purchased for $80,000 or more qualifies for the full $8000 amount. If the house costs less than $80,000, the credit will be 10% of the cost. Thus, if an individual purchased a home for $75,000, the credit would be $7500. It is available for the purchase of a principal residence on or after January 1, 2009 and before December 1, 2009.

2. Who is eligible?

Only first-time homebuyers are eligible. A person is considered a first-time buyer if he/she has not had any ownership interest in a home in the three years previous to the day of the 2009 purchase.

3. How does a tax credit work?

Every dollar of a tax credit reduces income taxes by a dollar. Credits are claimed on an individual’s income tax return. Thus, a qualified purchaser would figure out all the income items and exemptions and make all the calculations required to figure out his/her total tax due. Then, once the total tax owed has been computed, tax credits are applied to reduce the total tax bill. So, if before taking any credits on a tax return a person has total tax liability of $9500, an $8000 credit would wipe out all but $1500 of the tax due. ($9,500 - $8000 = $1500)

4. So what happens if the purchaser is eligible for an $8000 credit but their entire income tax liability for the year is only $6000?

This tax credit is what’s called "refundable" credit. Thus, if the eligible purchaser’s total tax liability was $6000, the IRS would send the purchaser a check for $2000. The refundable amount is the difference

between $8000 credit amount and the amount of tax liability. ($8000 - $6000 = $2000) Most taxpayers determine their tax liability by referring to tables that the IRS prepares each year.

5. How does withholding affect my tax credit and my refund?

A few examples are provided at the end of this document. There are several steps in this calculation, but most income tax software programs are equipped to make that determination.

6. Is there an income restriction?

Yes. The income restriction is based on the tax filing status the purchaser claims when filing his/her income tax return. Individuals filing Form 1040 as Single (or Head of Household) are eligible for the credit if their income is no more than $75,000. Married couples who file a Joint return may have income of no more than $150,000.

7. How is my "income" determined?

For most individuals, income is defined and calculated in the same manner as their Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) on their 1040 income tax return. AGI includes items like wages, salaries, interest and dividends, pension and retirement earnings, rental income and a host of other elements. AGI is the final number that appears on the bottom line of the front page of an IRS Form 1040.

8. What if I worked abroad for part of the year?

Some individuals have earned income and/or receive housing allowances while working outside the US. Their income will be adjusted to reflect those items to measure Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). Their eligibility for the credit will be based on their MAGI.

9. Do individuals with incomes higher than the $75,000 or $150,000 limits lose all the benefit of the credit?

Not always. The credit phases-out between $75,000 - $95,000 for singles and $150,000 - $170,000 for married filing joint. The closer a buyer comes to the maximum phase-out amount, the smaller the credit will be. The law provides a formula to gradually withdraw the credit. Thus, the credit will disappear after an individual’s income reaches $95,000 (single return) or $170,000 (joint return). For example, if a married couple had income of $165,000, their credit would be reduced by 75% as shown: Couple’s income $165,000 Income limit 150,000 Excess income $15,000 The excess income amount ($15,000 in this example) is used to form a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is the excess income amount ($15,000). The denominator is $20,000 (specified by the statute).

In this example, the



disallowed portion of the credit is 75% of $8000, or $6000 ($15,000/$20,000 = 75% x $8000 = $6000) Stated another way, only 25% of the credit amount would be allowed. In this example, the allowable

credit would be $2000 (25% x $8000 = $2000)

10. What’s the definition of "principal residence?"

Generally, a principal residence is the home where an individual spends most of his/her time (generally defined as more than 50%). It is also defined as "owner-occupied" housing. The term includes single-family detached housing, condos or co-ops, townhouses or any similar type of new or existing dwelling. Even some houseboats or manufactured homes count as principal residences.

11. Are there restrictions on the location of the property?

Yes. The home must be located in the United States. Property located outside the US is not eligible for the credit.

12. Are there restrictions related to the financing for the mortgage on the property?

In 2009, most financing arrangements are acceptable and will not affect eligibility for the credit. Congress eliminated the financing restriction that applied in 2008. (In 2008, purchasers were ineligible for the $7500 credit if the financing was obtained by means of mortgage revenue bonds.) Now, mortgage-revenue bond financing will not disqualify an otherwise-eligible purchaser. (Mortgage revenue bonds are tax-exempt bonds issued by a state housing agency. Proceeds from the bonds must be used for below market loans to qualified buyers.)

13. Do I have to repay the 2009 tax credit?



There is no repayment for 2009 tax credits.

14. Do 2008 purchasers still have to repay their tax credit?



The $7500 credit in 2008 was more like an interest-free loan. All eligible purchasers who claimed the 2008 credit will still be required to repay it over 15 years, starting with their 2010 tax return.

Some Practical Questions













15. How do I apply for the credit?

There is no pre-purchase authorization, application or similar approval process. All eligible purchasers simply claim the credit on their IRS Form 1040 tax return. The credit will be reflected on a new Form 5405 that will be attached to the 1040. Form 5405 can be found at

16. So I can’t use the credit amount as part of my downpayment?

No. Congress tried hard to devise a mechanism that would make the funds available for closing costs, but found that pre-funding would require cumbersome processes that would, in effect, bring the IRS into the purchase and settlement phase of the transaction.

17. So there’s no way to get any cash flow benefits before I file my tax return?

Yes, there is. Any first-time homebuyers who believe they are eligible for all or part of the credit can modify their income tax withholding (through their employers) or adjust their quarterly estimated tax payments. Individuals subject to income tax withholding would get an IRS Form W-4 from their employer, follow the instructions on the schedules provided and give the completed Form W-4 back to the employer. In many cases their withholding would decrease and their take-home pay would increase. Those who make estimated tax payments would make similar adjustments.



Some "Real World" Examples

18. What if I purchase later this year but can’t get to settlement before December 1?

The credit is available for



purchases before December 1, 2009. A home is considered as "purchased" when all events have occurred that transfer the title from the seller to the new purchaser. Thus, closings must

occur before December 1, 2009 for purchases to be eligible for the credit.

19. I haven’t even filed my 2008 tax return yet. If I buy in 2009, do I have to wait until next year to get the benefit of the credit?

You’ll have a helpful choice that might speed up the process. Eligible homebuyers who make their purchase between January 1, 2009 and December 1, 2009 can treat the purchase as if it had occurred on December 31, 2008. Thus, they can



claim the credit on their 2008 tax return

that is due on April 15, 2009. They actually have three filing options.

If they purchase between January 1, 2009 and April 15, 2009, they can claim the $8000 credit on the 2008 return due on April 15.

They can extend their 2008 income-tax filing until as late as October 15, 2009. (The IRS grants automatic extensions, but the taxpayer must file for the extension. See for instructions on how to obtain an extension.)

If they have filed their 2008 return before they purchase the home, they may file an amended 2008 tax return on Form 1040X. (Form 1040X is available at

Of course, 2009 purchasers will always have the option of claiming the credit for the 2009 purchase on their 2009 return. Their 2009 tax return is due on April 15, 2010.

20. I purchased my home in early 2009 before the stimulus bill was enacted. I claimed a $7500 tax credit on my 2008 return as prior law had permitted. Am I restricted to just a $7500 credit?

No, you would qualify for the $8000 credit. Eligible purchasers who have already claimed the $7500 credit on a 2008 return for a 2009 purchase may file an amended return (IRS Form 1040X) for the 2008 tax year. This amended return will enable them to obtain the additional $500 credit amount.

21. If I claim my 2009 $8000 credit on my 2008 tax return, will I have to repay the credit just as the 2008 credits are repaid?

No. Congress anticipated this confusion and has made specific provision so that there would be no repayment of 2009 credits that are claimed on 2008 returns.

22. I made an eligible purchase of a principal residence in May 2008 and claimed the $7500 credit on my 2008 tax return. My brother, who has never owned a home, wishes to purchase a partial interest in the home this spring and move in. Will he qualify for the $8000 credit, as well?

No. Any purchase of a principal residence (or interest in a principal residence) from a related party such as a sibling, parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle is ineligible for the tax credit. Since you and your brother are related in this way, he cannot qualify for the credit on any portion of the home that he purchases from you, even if he is a first-time homebuyer.

23. I live in the District of Columbia. If I qualify as a first-time homebuyer, can I use both the $5000 DC credit and the $8000 credit?

No; double dipping is not allowed. You would be eligible for only the $8000 credit. This will be an advantage because of the higher credit amount, plus the eligibility requirements for the $8000 credit are somewhat more easily satisfied than the DC credit.

24. I know there is no repayment requirement for the $8000 credit. Will I ever have to repay any of the credit back to the government?

One situation




require a recapture payment back to the government. If you claim the credit but then sell the property within 3 years of the date of purchase, you are required to pay back the full amount of any credit, including any refund you received from it. A few exceptions apply. (See below, #24). Note that this same 3-year recapture rule applies, as well, to the $7500 credit available for 2008. This provision is designed as an anti-flipping rule.

25. What if I die or get divorced or my property is ruined in a natural disaster within the 3 years?

The repayment rules are eased for many circumstances. If the homeowner who used the credit dies within the first three years of ownership, there is no recapture. Special rules make adjustments for people who sell homes as part of a divorce settlement, as well. Similarly, adjustments are made in the case of a home that is part of an involuntary conversion (property is destroyed in a natural disaster or subject to condemnation by eminent domain by an authorized agency) within the first three years.

26. I have a home under construction. Am I eligible for the credit?

Yes, so long as you actually occupy the home before December 1, 2009.



WITHHOLDING EXAMPLES: Note: The impact of estimated tax payments would be the same. Situation 1: Sally plans her withholding so that her withholding is as close as possible to what she anticipates as her income tax liability for the year. When she fills out her 1040, her liability is $6000. She has had $6000 withheld from her paycheck. She also qualifies for the $8000 homebuyer credit. Result: Sally’s withholding satisfies her tax liability and reduces it to zero. She will receive a refund of the full $8000. Situation 2: Nick and Nora file a joint return. Nick is self-employed and makes estimated payments; Nora has taxes withheld from her salary. When they compute their taxes, their combined withholding and estimated tax payments are $11,000. Their income tax liability is $9800. They also qualified as first-time homebuyers and are eligible for the $8000 refundable tax credit. Result: Ordinarily, their combined estimated tax payments and withholding would make them eligible for a refund of $1200 ($11,000 - $9800 = $1200). Because they are eligible for the refundable tax credit as well, they will receive a refund of $9200 ($1200 income tax refund + $8000 refundable tax credit = $9200) Situation 3: Cesar and LuzMaria both have income taxes withheld from their salaries and file a joint return. When they file their income tax return, their combined withholding is $5000. However, their total tax liability is $7200, generating an additional income tax liability of $2200 ($7200 - $5000). They also qualify for the $8000 first-time homebuyer tax credit. Result:

Cesar and LuzMaria have been under-withheld by $2200. Ordinarily, they would be required to pay the additional $2200 they owe (plus any applicable interest and penalties). Because they are eligible for the refundable homebuyer tax credit, the credit will cover the $2200 additional liability. In addition, they will receive an income tax refund of $5800 ($8000 - $2200 = $5800). If they owed penalties and/or interest, that amount would reduce the refund.

Displaying blog entries 81-90 of 107

Contact Information

Photo of Ashton Gustafson Real Estate
Ashton Gustafson
The Bishop Realtor Group
1916 N. Elmwood Ave.
Wichita Falls TX 76308
Office: 940-691-7355
Fax: 940-691-7363