Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 61-70 of 107

Ashton Up for Realtor Magazine's 30 under 30

by Ashton Gustafson

Friends, family, and clients - would be honored to have your vote for Realtor Magazine's top 30 agents under the age of 30. See link below - voting ends March 29, 2009. Thanks again! Ashton

Ashton's Real Estate Update - March 1, 2010

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

We saw rates tick up a little bit this week, but the market definitely had a great boost of activity. With the current PCS to Sheppard Air Force Base and the news of over 300 new jobs coming to our in the next 3 years, things are looking great. Also, this weekend brought 4 new pending contracts and even more offers still in negotiations. Contrary to what you may hear, we are busy here @ the Bishop Realtor Group.

I also found some great HUD Repo's this morning @ . Please visit the site, and if you would like to view any of these properties, just let me know. You will see that most of them have bid deadlines, so be sure to be mindful of that.

We are just inches away, again, from saving another home owner from foreclosure this week too. If you know of someone that is behind on their payments, please send them to to view some options. There are many popular opinions right now that claim foreclosure is a suitable option for those behind on their payments - this simply is not true. This site will discuss some other options as well to avoiding foreclosure.

And remember, - this site continues to grow in popularity with 1000's of hits each week. Finding a home and creating a favorites list has never been easier. I invite you to return or create an account to see why over 1500 buyers have registered here.

Make it a great week, and please let me know if I can serve you or anyone you may know.

"Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was." Richard L. Evans

Interest Rate Update - 2-19-2101

by Ashton Gustafson

Rates have trended up this week with reaction to the Fed’s announcement that the discount rate was increasing from .5% to .75%. This is the rate banks lend to each other.  The 10 year treasury is now above 3.8% and has taken mortgage rates to a slightly higher level.  Rates as of today are………
30 year fixed                      5.125% 0+0         (740 FICO, $120,000 maximum loan amount)
15 year fixed                      4.500% 0+0         (740 FICO, $120,000 maximum loan amount)
30 year fixed                      5.250%  0+0         (660 FICO, $120,000 maximum loan amount)
15 year fixed                      4.500%  0+0         (660 FICO, $120,000 maximum loan amount)
Jeff McClatchy
VP, Mortgage Manager
Fidelity Bank
940-720-5425 direct
940-564-6650 cell

Avoid Foreclosure - Ashton can help.

by Ashton Gustafson

It’s frustrating: homeowners facing tough

mortgage situations are finding it difficult to get

sound advice at a time when they need it most.

That’s why I’m providing an easy-to-understand

comparison of foreclosures and short sales, just

for you at:

This free report will provide you with more

information abot your options in these

challenging times. As CDPE, I am trained

to help homeowners evaluate their

options and come up with a plan. I offer


Visit my site and explore what’s

available. It’s time for a new

financial future.

I’m here to help.

Ashton Gustafson - Certified Distressed Property Expert

Bishop Realtor Group - Owner

Ashton's Weekly Update

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Did you know that the Federal Tax Credit for 1st Time Home Buyers and Existing Home Owners is set to expire at the end of April? If you or someone you know has buying a home on their "to-do" list for 2010, now is the time. Interest rates are at historic lows and our local lenders have money to lend. See for information or to make an appointment to view any home for sale in our area.

Great Buy of the Week - 5127 Rock Point - $79,500

This 3 bed 1.5 bath home in Meadowlake is the perfect home for the 1st Time Home Buyer, Newlywed, or small family. Recent paint and crown molding can be found on the inside. The backyard is also complete with a newly installed covered patio and a great shop with power. Call us today @ 940.691.7355 for an appointment to preview.

Word on the Street - Short Sales

Through my experience handling distressed properties at Bishop Realtor Group, I've found that homeowners today have more questions than answers about their circumstances. I have created the site, to help everyone understand the possible solutions to foreclosure, as well as provide a detailed explanation of short sales, which may be the best course of action for some homeowners.

You will also notice that I'm offering a FREE Report to explain options to help one decide on a course of action. The idea of losing a home can be overwhelming, and I feel it is vital for everyone to have all the facts necessary to make an informed decision.

As an agent with the CDPE® Designation, I have a strong and unique appreciation of the factors affecting the market, and know that there are options available to you.

If you would like to know more about your options, please call me at (940) 224-0881. I am here to help … in any way I can.

Quote of the Week

To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning.  ~John W. Gardner

Let's live great stories this week,


Ashton's Weekly Real Estate Update

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!!!!

Remember that if you or someone you know is looking to buy and get the first time Home Buyer's Tax Credit, they need to be in contract by the end of April and close by the end of June.

This also goes for the $6500 Tax Credit for current home owners. Some have asked about details on this issue. They are as follows:

  • The credit is available for homes that go under contract by April 30, 2010 and close by June 30th, 2010.
  • Current homeowners can claim a $6,500 credit as long as the property they are vacating has been their primary residence for at least five consecutive years out of the last eight years.
  • Income limits: $125,000 a year for individuals, $225,000 a year for married couples. (these are higher limits than before)
  • Homes that cost more than $800,000 aren’t eligible for the credit.
  • Its been a great year thus far for the Bishop Team. If we can serve you or anyone you may know this week, please let us know. - For Buyers - Thinking of Selling? - Investing? - Mortgage problems?

    "Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living." Anais Nin

    Mortgage Update

    by Ashton Gustafson

    Good Monday morning to you!

    Interest rates took another dip this week back to around 5% for the 30 year fixed and 4.5% for the 15 year fixed. I cannot stress enough how significant these rates, and they really have only one way they can go from here...up! See the graph below for some historical perspective.

    While 1% may not seem like much, with a $200,000 loan there is a difference in total payments of $45,360 when comparing rates from 5% to 6%.

    Call me today if you would like to set up a time to speak with someone about your next Real Estate loan.

    Remember our sites for fast answers: - Info on all homes in MLS. - Weekly Foreclosure List - Thinking of Selling? - Behind on your mortgage payment? - Market Update Pod Cast

    Make it a great week.

    "He who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right." Confucius


    Ashton on the Radio - January 22, 2010

    by Ashton Gustafson

    Click here to listen to Ashton Gustafson and Denny Bishop on the Rise and Shine Show with Joe Tom White.    


    HUD/FHA Press Release - Increased FMA MIP Premiums

    by Ashton Gustafson
    HUD No.10-016
    Melanie Roussell
    (202) 708-0980FOR RELEASE
    January 20, 2010

    FHA Announces Policy Changes to Address Risk and Strengthen Finances
    New Measures Will Help FHA Better Manage Risk, While Maintaining Support for the Housing Market and Access for Underserved Communities
    WASHINGTON – Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Commissioner David Stevens today announced a set of policy changes to strengthen the FHA’s capital reserves, while enabling the agency to continue to fulfill its mission to provide access to homeownership for underserved communities. The changes announced today are the latest in a series of changes Stevens has enacted in order to better position the FHA to manage its risk while continuing to support the nation’s housing market recovery.
    The FHA will propose to take the following steps: increase the mortgage insurance premium (MIP); update the combination of FICO scores and down payments for new borrowers; reduce seller concessions to three percent, from six percent; and implement a series of significant measures aimed at increasing lender enforcement. U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan previewed the changes in December of last year, noting that the FHA would announce additional details before the end of January.
    “Striking the right balance between managing the FHA’s risk, continuing to provide access to underserved communities, and supporting the nation’s economic recovery is critically important,” said Commissioner Stevens. “When combined with the risk management measures announced in September of last year, these changes are among the most significant steps to address risk in the agency’s history. Additionally, by continuing to provide affordable, responsible mortgage products, FHA will support the housing market’s recovery. Importantly, FHA will remain the largest source of home purchase financing for underserved communities.”
    Announced FHA Policy Changes:
    Mortgage insurance premium (MIP) will be increased to build up capital reserves and bring back private lending
    The first step will be to raise the up-front MIP by 50 bps to 2.25% and request legislative authority to increase the maximum annual MIP that the FHA can charge.
    If this authority is granted, then the second step will be to shift some of the premium increase from the up-front MIP to the annual MIP.
    This shift will allow for the capital reserves to increase with less impact to the consumer, because the annual MIP is paid over the life of the loan instead of at the time of closing
    The initial up-front increase is included in a Mortgagee Letter to be released tomorrow, January 21st, and will go into effect in the spring.
    Update the combination of FICO scores and down payments for new borrowers.
    New borrowers will now be required to have a minimum FICO score of 580 to qualify for FHA's 3.5% down payment program. New borrowers with less than a 580 FICO score will be required to put down at least 10%.
    This allows the FHA to better balance its risk and continue to provide access for those borrowers who have historically performed well.
    This change will be posted in the Federal Register in February and, after a notice and comment period, would go into effect in the early summer.
    Reduce allowable seller concessions from 6% to 3%
    The current level exposes the FHA to excess risk by creating incentives to inflate appraised value. This change will bring FHA into conformity with industry standards on seller concessions.
    This change will be posted in the Federal Register in February, and after a notice and comment period, would go into effect in the early summer.
    Increase enforcement on FHA lenders
    Publicly report lender performance rankings to complement currently available Neighborhood Watch data - Will be available on the HUD website on February 1.
    This is an operational change to make information more user-friendly and hold lenders more accountable; it does not require new regulatory action as Neighborhood Watch data is currently publicly available.
    Enhance monitoring of lender performance and compliance with FHA guidelines and standards.
    Implement Credit Watch termination through lender underwriting ID in addition to originating ID.
    This change is included in a Mortgagee Letter to be released tomorrow, January 21st, and is effective immediately.
    Implement statutory authority through regulation of section 256 of the National Housing Act to enforce indemnification provisions for lenders using delegated insuring process
    Specifications of this change will be posted in March, and after a notice and comment period, would go into effect in early summer.
    HUD is pursuing legislative authority to increase enforcement on FHA lenders. Specific authority includes:
    Amendment of section 256 of the National Housing Act to apply indemnification provisions to all Direct Endorsement lenders. This would require all approved mortgagees to assume liability for all of the loans that they originate and underwrite
    Legislative authority permitting HUD maximum flexibility to establish separate "areas" for purposes of review and termination under the Credit Watch initiative. This would provide authority to withdraw originating and underwriting approval for a lender nationwide on the basis of the performance of its regional branches
    In addition to the changes proposed today, the FHA is continuing to review its overall response to housing market conditions, and continuing to evaluate its mortgage insurance underwriting standards and its measures to help distressed and underwater borrowers through FHA/HAMP and other FHA initiatives going forward.
    HUD is the nation's housing agency committed to sustaining homeownership; creating affordable housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and supporting the homeless, elderly, people with disabilities and people living with AIDS. The Department also promotes economic and community development ad enforces the nation's fair housing laws. More information about HUD and its programs is available on the Internet at and

    Gustafson Becomes Wichita Falls First CDPE

    by Ashton Gustafson

    FOR RELEASE: IMMEDIATELY                                                                                                                               For more information, please contact:

    Ashton Gustafson


    Ashton Gustafson Earns Real Estate, Short Sale Designation to Help Homeowners in Danger of Foreclosure

    Scottsdale, AZ – Jan 12, 2009 – Ashton Gustafson of Bishop Realtor Group in Wichita Falls has earned the prestigious Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) designation, having completed extensive training in foreclosure avoidance, with a particular emphasis on short sales. At a time when millions of homeowners are struggling with the possibility of foreclosure, the skills and education amassed by Gustafson will help benefit Wichita Falls-area residents and communities.

    Short sales allow the distressed homeowner to repay the mortgage at the price that the home sells for, even if it is lower than what is owed on the property. With plummeting property values, this can save many people from foreclosure and even bankruptcy. More and more lenders are willing to consider short sales because they are much less costly than foreclosures.

    Today, more than 13 percent of homeowners are delinquent on their mortgage or in the foreclosure process. This is occurring across all price ranges, and the fastest-growing category of homes in foreclosure is the luxury home market.

    “The CDPE designation has been invaluable as I work with homeowners and lenders on complicated short sales,” said Gustafson. “It is so rewarding to be able to help families save their homes from foreclosure.”

    Alex Charfen, co-founder and CEO of the Distressed Property Institute in Austin, Texas, said that agents such as Gustafson with the CDPE Designation have valuable perspective on the market, and training in short sales that can offer homeowners real alternatives to foreclosure, which can be devastating to credit ratings.

    “These experts better understand market conditions than the average agent, and can help sellers through the complications of foreclosure avoidance,” he said.

    The Distressed Property Institute provides live and online courses to train real estate professionals how to help homeowners in distress, with a strong focus on handling short sales.

    “Our goal is to help as many homeowners as possible, by educating as many real estate professionals as possible,” Charfen said. “Gustafson has demonstrated a commitment to struggling homeowners, a commitment that can provide much-needed stabilization to the community.”

    Displaying blog entries 61-70 of 107

    Contact Information

    Photo of Ashton Gustafson Real Estate
    Ashton Gustafson
    The Bishop Realtor Group
    1916 N. Elmwood Ave.
    Wichita Falls TX 76308
    Office: 940-691-7355
    Fax: 940-691-7363