Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 51-60 of 122

You have questions...we have answers.

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning.

Well, the Cowboys we should all be on our way to a great week! If Romo and the Boys kept you from getting out yesterday to see an open house, go to Here you can find every home within your criteria, see virtual tours, view Google Earth images, and create a favorites list.

One of our Values is Rapid Response. The Real Estate business, like every industry, is now changing daily. You want your answers and information faster than ever. With our Internet creations, nearly every question you have has an answer that can be found in mere seconds. The markets will continue to change and we will continue to rapidly respond.

Wondering what's out there?

What is my home worth?

Having mortgage problems?

Are there any repos?

Should I buy now?

Who is this Ashton guy?

Are you hungry???????

You were born to win...make it a great week. If I can serve you in any way, please let me know.

"In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." Eric Hoffer

Real Estate Reality Check

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

I believe in Real Estate. I believe that it is the fastest way to build wealth and financial stability with the least amount of risk. Naturally, I am a bit biased, but no one has to be a genius to understand the principles of buying, selling, owning, renting, and speculating with Real Estate. At some point, every tenant needs a new place to sleep, work, or recreate - and you the INVESTOR get to play the role as provider for that need. It is really that simple.

In watching the market for some time now, I've seen 5 factors that effect the market: Iventory, Interest Rates, Mortgage Availability, Consumer Confidence, and Unemployment.

Here's a reality check for us all....

Inventory) - We're at an all time high. This means choice.

Interest Rates - We're at an all time low. This means affordability.

Mortgage Availability) - At least 90% of the people that I send to lenders get qualified. If you want a loan, chances are I can get you one.

Consumer Confidence) - We just had the most sales for August in our company history. The consumer is quite confident.

Unemployment) - The entire country wishes things were different, but we've seen "blue skies" here in North Texas.

No matter if its a $20,000 home or a multi-million dollar project, they all count. I would love to help you build wealth for yourself and future generations. Register @ to keep your thumb on the market.

"The truly great tragedy is the destruction of our human resources by our failure to fully utilize our abilities, which means that most men and women go to their graves with their music still in them.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

Make it a great week.

Ashton's Weekly Update - Time to Buy.

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Did you know that you have 92,750 reasons to be happy if you missed the 1st Time Home Buyer Tax Credit?

Less than 2 years ago, rates were at 6.5% fixed on a 30 year conventional loan.

Lately, with Wichita Falls local lenders, rates have hit 4.5% and below on a 30 year conventional loan.*

If you took a $200,000 loan out, this change in interest charged would save you $92,750 over the life of the loan, as compared to where rates were not long ago.

This is a HUGE savings and should not be taken lightly. See for every home available at this time in our market. Simply click request a showing, and I'll meet you there at a time that works for you.

And if you want to invest, see

Best of luck in all you do this week.

"Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value." Albert Einstein

Good Monday Morning!

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

As Ranch Round Up moves on to another year, we now welcome the Hotter'n Hell 100 this weekend. If you or someone you know is looking to register, see   The Hotter 'N Hell 100 is one of the oldest and largest cycling events in the nation. Fitness oriented riders and bicycle racers will come to Wichita Falls, Texas, from virtually every state and several foreign countries. 

August? Slow? No.

At the Bishop Realtor Group, we seek to break the mold. This month alone, we have sold a property every day. With school starting, vacations ending, and the HEAT, August tends to be one of the slower months. The hard works of our team has not allowed this to be the case, and we look to get over 30 properties in contract this month. If you have interest in selling, click

365 Wichita Falls

I have decided to put together a list, one a day for the next year, to give myself and others ideas to get out and see the city as they have not seen it before. We will take 365 Days of things to do, places to see, eating establishments, and events to go to in Wichita Falls. Enjoy and feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions. Subscribe @

And don't forget the AG Referral Program. To see what you and your friends can received for referring your friends and family, see

Best of luck this week!

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ashton's Wichita Falls Update

by Ashton Gustafson


Good Monday morning to you!

Local Market News

Local lenders this last week locked in my clients with 15 year rates @ 3.75% - no points paid. That is unbelievable - remember, to see just how GREAT these rates are.
The Prairie

If you have not taken the short drive out to The Prairie Development, please do. The Prairie is a residential green development located  just 10 minutes from Wichita Falls, Texas off of FM 1954 on Decker Road. It consists of 200+ acres with 28 available home sites made up of five to seven acres each. See for more information.

Ashton's View

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb.

So true. I find this Proverb very insightful, in regards to Real Estate and Real Estate Investment. Think about it...we have never seen interest rates like we have right now (affordability). Furthermore, there has never been more inventory available for sale (opportunity). You may not be looking to invest today, but I encourage everyone to start thinking about it. One of my goals is to have as many people I know increase their wealth, and understand the beauty of owning income producing properties. How predictable, stable, and profitable do you want your future to be income stream? If you're interested, let's talk about planting a tree soon.

Don't forget

Make it a great week!

Ashton Gustafson, e-Pro, CDPE
Owner - Bishop Realtor Group
Realtor Magazine Selected- 30 under 30

Wichita Falls Real Estate Update

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Texas Ranch Roundup

One of the finest traditions our community has is the Texas Ranch Roundup. This 2 day event allows us all to revisit the historical ranching heritage of Texas and the true working cowboy. This event will be August 20-21 @ MPEC. I have 2 tickets that I'm going to give away. All you have to do is email me with Ranch Roundup in the subject line and attach your Name, Number and Address. Good luck! For ticket information call the K.Y.C. box office at (940)716-5555 or

AG Referral Program -

By referring your friends to myself or the Bishop Realtor Group, you could receive dinner for 4 at Salt and Pepper, Pasquals, or the restaurant of your choice.  Do you have friends, family or co-workers who may be interested in selling their home or even buying a new home in the next 6 months? Please send us the contact information of referrals that may be looking to buy or sell in the near future. And go to for more information!

Foreclosure Answers

Today, nearly 1 out of every 6 homeowners in America is behind on mortgage payments. These are tough and frustrating times. Now more than ever, it's important to identify your options. Foreclosure can be avoided, your credit can be saved, and your financial future can be salvaged. Through my experience handling distressed properties, I've found that homeowners today have more questions than answers about their circumstances. I have created this site,,  to help you understand the possible solutions to foreclosure, as well as provide a detailed explanation of short sales, which may be the best course of action for some homeowners.

If there is anything else I can do for you or someone you may know this week, please let me know!

Make it a great week!

"Find what you do well and perfect it." David L. Cook

Ashton's Weekly Update - and LIVE @ The Lake!

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

A summer tradition has begun in Wichita Falls and its called LIVE @ THE LAKE. Every Thursday evening from 6:00 - 7:30, a local artist will perform at the Museum and Art Center by Sikes Lake. This week it will be myself and my good friend Kevin Rhine taking the stage. Beverages are provided by Falls Distributing and pizza is provided by The SPOT. If you're free this Thursday evening, please come by and enjoy a great time...oh, and don't forget a lawn chair!

Now back to Real Estate.....

You may have seen my blog, "I'm a Happy Buyer" last week. If not, take a look @ This is a great visual of just how terrific these current interest rates are.

Also, has now launched. This is a FREE service to help area home buyers view the finest homes Wichita Falls has to offer, the minute they hit the market. Your first email will list all homes currently for sale that meet your search criteria. Then each morning you will be emailed a list of all of the new homes for sale and price changes since your previous search. No more having to rely on manual searches. I look forward to unlocking the door to spectacular real estate on your behalf.

And remember our other sites for fast answers: - every home for sale in our area. - thinking of selling?

Make it a great week!

"Focused intensity over time multiplied by God creates unstoppable momentum." Dave Ramsey

Ashton's Real Estate Update

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

I wrote a blog this week that can be read at This shows just how significant the savings can be with these interest rates we are seeing.

3.875% 15 year fixed and 4.25% 30 year fixed were available this past week with our local lenders! That should make all of us interested, Happy Buyers!! See and see where you could invest today.

The Prairie

I also have the privilege to market a new Green-Sustainable residential development, called The Prairie

The Prairie is a 200-acre development in Archer County near Wichita Falls, Texas, whose goal is to maintain and enhance the beauty and ecological processes of the restored mixed prairie native to this region of the United States. The large lot community embraces green building concepts and promotes the conservation of energy, land, water, and resources thorough appropriate site and building design, construction, and maintenance. The principles that guide The Prairie’s development includes minimizing land disturbances, protecting natural resources, optimizing solar orientation, using storm water runoff on-site, creating neighborhood connectivity, developing passive recreation areas, and managing the restored prairie.

The community is a comprehensive neighborhood of streetscapes, quality built residences, and related site improvements that reflect an elegant but casual outdoor lifestyle. The development, as a whole, is designed to respect The Prairie landscape. In addition, each building and lot stands on its own design merit and contributes to the desired neighborhood character. Thus, the compatibility, long-term quality, and appreciation of value of the original investments and the overall community are optimized. Each proposed new home addition or improvement, including site improvements and landscaping, is designed and reviewed for consistency and/or compatibility with the appropriate character outlined in the Sustainable Guidelines. See for more information.

If I can answer any questions or be of service this week, please let me know.

Make it a great week!

PS - I love this week's quote.

"Your positive energy and vision must be greater than anyone's and everyone's negativity. Your certainty must be greater than everyone's doubt." Quote from The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon

Flood Insurance Reform Announced Today

by Ashton Gustafson

FROM:       NAR Government Affairs
DATE:       15 July 2010
RE:           Flood Insurance Update
Today the United States House of Representatives passed H.R. 5114, the Flood Insurance Reform Priorities Act of 2010, among the key elements of the bill  is the extension of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to September 30, 2015.  The actions of the House are an important step toward enacting meaningful reform for the Flood Insurance Program and ending the uncertainty of stop-gap measures that have been keeping the program in place.  NAR has been actively seeking NFIP reform since 2008.
The bill now will move to the United States Senate where the prospects of passage are not clear.
Unless a longer term reauthorization is enacted, Congress will again have to consider another short-term extension before September 30 2010, when NFIP authority is next set to expire.  Since September 2008, the House and Senate have not been able to agree on the NFIP debt reforms and thus has resorted to approving a series of short-term extensions.  There have been eight such extensions so far and, twice, the NFIP authority has been allowed to expire. NAR will continue to provide regular updates on the status of this legislation and the short-term extensions in the interim.

AG Weekly Update

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday Morning to you!

Did you know that 15 year rates hit below 4% last week? That is the lowest the market has EVER seen. When you stop and consider how inexpensive mortgages have become, it comes as no surprise to see more investors entering the rental market, just to take advantage of this incredible financing that's available for a 30 year loan.

We encourage our clients to take advantage of these rates while they're here, because they won't be around for long.

Right now, they can save A LOT! For instance, let’s say that a buyer takes out a $200,000 home loan at a rate of 4.75 percent. Their monthly repayment will be about $1,042 a month for the principle and interest, which is more than $200 less per month than borrowers are paying on a 6.5 percent loan taken out just a few years ago. Over the course of the mortgage term, today’s home buyer will save $80,000! That's 8 times more than the home buyers tax credit.

If we can help you today, please give us a call. And remember our site for home buyers @

And don't forget, - the source for Wichita Falls Real Estate news and updates.

Make a difference.

Displaying blog entries 51-60 of 122

Contact Information

Photo of Ashton Gustafson Real Estate
Ashton Gustafson
The Bishop Realtor Group
1916 N. Elmwood Ave.
Wichita Falls TX 76308
Office: 940-691-7355
Fax: 940-691-7363