Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 21-30 of 86

The Real Estate game has changed.

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

The Real Estate industry is a very traditional business. People will always be looking for a new place to sleep, work, recreate, and live...and, people will always be looking to sell places to sleep, work recreate, and live. From now until "doomsday", the business of buying and selling Real Estate will be a significant part of our human experience.

However, this traditional business has taken on many non-traditional practices in the last 10 years. We used to only have the newspaper, now the news is sent to our phones. We used to only have open houses to freely preview homes, but now we swim in a sea of on-line virtual tours and information. The game has changed.

Therefore, I have made it my passion to pursue this traditional business in a non-traditional way...and it is working.

To see my non-traditional ways of selling real estate and helping buyers find their places of interest, see the information below... - The ONLY site made just for buyers in North Texas and the Greater Wichita Falls area. - Wondering what homes have sold for in your neighborhood? - A daily list of new listings within the local luxury market. - A monthly Wichita Falls market update on the Real Estate market. - One stop to find everything you need in the Greater Wichita Falls Real Estate market. - Weekly list of foreclosed property available for sale. - A daily list of new listings within your criteria. - Looking to build in North Texas' 1st Green/Renewable community. - See what our clients are saying.

If I can serve you this week or discuss with you my non-traditional ways of business, please let me know.

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." Tony Robbins

2011 January MLS Stats Released - Wichita Falls, TX

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Market Report

Below you will see the January statistics from the Wichita Falls MLS. As always,  the price range of $100,000 - $120,00 had the most number of transactions closed. If you have any questions about the information below, please let me know.

February Pod Cast

Check out our pod cast update at This month we discuss tips for sellers looking to enter the market this Spring.

Spring Has Arrived

As the weather warms, so does the market. We have created the area's #1 site for buyers, When you create an account here, you are updated within YOUR criteria every morning. This is the best way to keep your thumb on the market and homes within your criteria. See why over 2,000 buyers have made this their #1 tool in buying a home in the Greater Wichita Falls areas.

If I can do anything for you or anyone you may know this week, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you...

"Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth - that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too." Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Monday Real Estate Update from Ashton - Wichita Falls, TX

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Market Update

My February Pod Cast is now up at This month we discuss the market and 5 tips for home sellers.

Current Inventory

I'm sure I sound like a broken record, but our currenty inventory is better than ever. Looking for a home on land? We've got it! Looking for the charm of Country Club Estates? We've got it! Looking for new construction? We've got that too! See for all of our current properties for sale.

Preparing for Spring Purchase?

Be sure you have created an account at See why over 2000 buyers have called this "THE BEST" site for Wichita Falls home buyers.

If there is anything else I can do for you this week, please let me know.

"Man is not the creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of men." Benjamin Disraeli

Ashton's February Wichita Falls Pod Cast

by Ashton Gustafson

This month's edition covers Greater Wichita Falls real estate market activity and then we walk through five top tips to selling your home.

Features special guest Terri Murphy of US Learning.

Market Temperature - Wichita Falls, TX

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Market Temp

It seems not so long ago (3 years) that someone coined the phrase, "price war and beauty contest" for the real estate market. The more and more I work with buyers and sellers, the more this not only makes sense to me- but I've found it truly is the perfect description.

You will hear many people make comments on the market being stagnant and slow - it is anything but that. Since January 1 we have had nearly 200 new buyers register with our sites on-line. The market's issue right now is inventory. We have the same amount of buyers as usual (see last week's news story, but we have a much larger inventory than ever. Hence buyers now have more choice than ever.

The best news is most values are even if not a little more appreciated than when a seller purchased their home over the last few years. Compared to other parts of the country, we should count our blessings.

Fast Answers - Mortgage Rates? - What's Available? - Thinking of Selling? - Market Update - Looking for land to build on?

If I can do anything you or someone you may know this week, please let me know.

 "We must become the change we want to see." Gandhi

Video Video

MLK Day Market Update - Wichita Falls, TX

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday Morning to you!

As you probably know, we have a non-traditional approach to a traditional business. We believe that we are changing the way the industry operates, and its seems as though these tactics are working. Last year, we grew our market share 150% - in what was a very unique market.

The stats came out for the Wichita Falls Real Estate market in 2010 this week. Essentially, the residential sold market was flat as inventory continued to grow. All in all, we are so fortunate to be in the market we have here. Many of our buyers from other states have lost as much as 50% in their home values from where they previously lived. Here we are flat...and I'll take flat!

If I can serve you or anyone you may know this week, please let me know.

Remember our sites: - Best site for buyers in Wichita Falls - Thinking of selling? - Listend to a Market Update in iTunes - Thinking about building green? - The Modern Real Estate Experience

"Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness." Martin Luther King Jr.

Video Video

January Real Estate Pod Cast is Up

by Ashton Gustafson - click to listen to January Pod Cast

This month's edition covers Greater Wichita Falls real estate market activity and then we discuss the top lessons from 2010, and explain what buyers and sellers need to do to get the most out of 2011.

Features special guest Terri Murphy of US Learning.

Ashton's Christmas Update 2010

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!

Even though it is cold, we're still selling them in this market!

And it has been a great year too! See,!

Think about investing.

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Right now everyone benefits from the infusion of investment dollars into the real estate market. Investors are finding great deals on properties and are building wealth one property at a time. Simply put, Real Estate is a great avenue to add to your investment portfolio and give you the diversification we all look for.

As a Certified Investor Agent Specialist (CIAS), I am specifically trained to find, create and close with residential real estate investors. Through comprehensive education and experience, I have gained the knowledge and tools to streamline the process of real estate investment and help increase returns for investor clients.

I can help Real Estate Investors Navigate:

  • Investment Strategies
  • Self-directed IRAs
  • 1031 Exchange
  • Leverage Options
  • Key Calculations
  • Return-on-Investment
  • Capitalization Rate
  • Average Returns
  • Cash Flow
  • And much more!

To get a jump on properties before anyone else sees them, be sure you've subscribed @

If you have not seen our current inventory of homes, you must see This is the best line up of available homes I've seen in a long time.

Also, the December Pod Cast is up @

If I can serve you or anyone you may know this week, please let me know.

"One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self confidence is preparation." Eric Hoffer

Be careful with predicting.

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!

Its hard to believe that 2010 is just about over! We saw rates begin to tick up a bit this last week, as the country continued to show signs of recovery. We have always said that you can never predict these rates, but TODAY they are very attractive. To see how much securing a rate today will save you in the future, see

Also, we have started to track our metrics for our buyers and our sellers. What we are finding is that when our systems connect with a market priced property, the results are stunning. And, when our buying systems connect with a prequalified buyer, the time it takes to find the home they are looking for is nearly cut in half from conventional viewing appointments.

Thinking of selling?

Thinking of buying?

Let our systems start working on your behalf today, and please let me know if I can serve you or anyone you may know.

Make it a great week!

"How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to?" Tony Robbins


Displaying blog entries 21-30 of 86

Contact Information

Photo of Ashton Gustafson Real Estate
Ashton Gustafson
The Bishop Realtor Group
1916 N. Elmwood Ave.
Wichita Falls TX 76308
Office: 940-691-7355
Fax: 940-691-7363