Welcome to the Prairie
The Prairie is a residential green development located just 10 minutes from Wichita Falls, Texas off of FM 1954 on Decker Road. It consists of 200+ acres with 28 available home sites made up of five to seven acres each.
The Prairie is the first green development in Northwest Texas! It has walking trails, native plants & grasses, and wild flowers, with an abundance of wildlife such as turkey, deer, water fowl, song birds and much more. Please feel free to contact us for pricing, availability, and lot descriptions. Or you may view our Sustainable Guidlines for more information.
Ashton Gustafson, Owner at The Bishop Realtor Group, is proud to be the listing agent for The Prairie.
Originally,three fourths of the state of Texas was covered by prairie and savanna. The tallgrass prairies covered 20 million acres. Today these tallgrass prairies have been reduced to less than one percent of those original 20 million acres.
The tallgrass prairie is a proud part of our heritage. In an effort to preserve this beautiful, vanishing ecological system, Mr. Hirschi made a commitment to preserve and restore the Decker Road property to its natural prairie character.
The Prairie settlers of the past had many “common sense” practices in their architectural design and their use of energy. Rainwater collection, cisterns for water storage, solar orientation for heat protection and breezes, along with generous overhangs, and strategically placed window openings all worked to provide comfort and improved livability. Many of these ideas are again in vogue and known as “green or sustainable” practices. Keeping with these ideas and the incorporation of new technologies, we have developed the basis for The Prairie’s Sustainable Guidelines.

Master Plan
The Prairie is a 200-acre development in Archer County near Wichita Falls, Texas, whose goal is to maintain and enhance the beauty and ecological processes of the restored mixed prairie native to this region of the United States. The large lot community embraces green building concepts and promotes the conservation of energy, land, water, and resources thorough appropriate site and building design, construction, and maintenance. The principles that guide The Prairie’s development includes minimizing land disturbances, protecting natural resources, optimizing solar orientation, using storm water runoff on-site, creating neighborhood connectivity, developing passive recreation areas, and managing the restored prairie.
The community is a comprehensive neighborhood of streetscapes, quality built residences, and related site improvements that reflect an elegant but casual outdoor lifestyle. The development, as a whole, is designed to respect The Prairie landscape. In addition, each building and lot stands on its own design merit and contributes to the desired neighborhood character. Thus, the compatibility, long-term quality, and appreciation of value of the original investments and the overall community are optimized. Each proposed new home addition or improvement, including site improvements and landscaping, is designed and reviewed for consistency and/or compatibility with the appropriate character outlined in these Sustainable Guidelines.


The Prairie is located just 10 minutes from Wichita Falls, Texas off of FM 1954 on Decker Road.
For more information on this beautiful developement, contact Ashton Gustafson @ 940.691.7355 or Ashton@ThePrairieWF.com.