Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 111-120 of 181

Ashton's Weekly Real Estate Update

by Ashton Gustafson

Good Monday morning to you!!!!

Remember that if you or someone you know is looking to buy and get the first time Home Buyer's Tax Credit, they need to be in contract by the end of April and close by the end of June.

This also goes for the $6500 Tax Credit for current home owners. Some have asked about details on this issue. They are as follows:

  • The credit is available for homes that go under contract by April 30, 2010 and close by June 30th, 2010.
  • Current homeowners can claim a $6,500 credit as long as the property they are vacating has been their primary residence for at least five consecutive years out of the last eight years.
  • Income limits: $125,000 a year for individuals, $225,000 a year for married couples. (these are higher limits than before)
  • Homes that cost more than $800,000 aren’t eligible for the credit.
  • Its been a great year thus far for the Bishop Team. If we can serve you or anyone you may know this week, please let us know. - For Buyers - Thinking of Selling? - Investing? - Mortgage problems?

    "Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living." Anais Nin

    Mortgage Update

    by Ashton Gustafson

    Good Monday morning to you!

    Interest rates took another dip this week back to around 5% for the 30 year fixed and 4.5% for the 15 year fixed. I cannot stress enough how significant these rates, and they really have only one way they can go from here...up! See the graph below for some historical perspective.

    While 1% may not seem like much, with a $200,000 loan there is a difference in total payments of $45,360 when comparing rates from 5% to 6%.

    Call me today if you would like to set up a time to speak with someone about your next Real Estate loan.

    Remember our sites for fast answers: - Info on all homes in MLS. - Weekly Foreclosure List - Thinking of Selling? - Behind on your mortgage payment? - Market Update Pod Cast

    Make it a great week.

    "He who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right." Confucius


    Ashton on the Radio - January 22, 2010

    by Ashton Gustafson

    Click here to listen to Ashton Gustafson and Denny Bishop on the Rise and Shine Show with Joe Tom White.    


    Gustafson Becomes Wichita Falls First CDPE

    by Ashton Gustafson

    FOR RELEASE: IMMEDIATELY                                                                                                                               For more information, please contact:

    Ashton Gustafson


    Ashton Gustafson Earns Real Estate, Short Sale Designation to Help Homeowners in Danger of Foreclosure

    Scottsdale, AZ – Jan 12, 2009 – Ashton Gustafson of Bishop Realtor Group in Wichita Falls has earned the prestigious Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) designation, having completed extensive training in foreclosure avoidance, with a particular emphasis on short sales. At a time when millions of homeowners are struggling with the possibility of foreclosure, the skills and education amassed by Gustafson will help benefit Wichita Falls-area residents and communities.

    Short sales allow the distressed homeowner to repay the mortgage at the price that the home sells for, even if it is lower than what is owed on the property. With plummeting property values, this can save many people from foreclosure and even bankruptcy. More and more lenders are willing to consider short sales because they are much less costly than foreclosures.

    Today, more than 13 percent of homeowners are delinquent on their mortgage or in the foreclosure process. This is occurring across all price ranges, and the fastest-growing category of homes in foreclosure is the luxury home market.

    “The CDPE designation has been invaluable as I work with homeowners and lenders on complicated short sales,” said Gustafson. “It is so rewarding to be able to help families save their homes from foreclosure.”

    Alex Charfen, co-founder and CEO of the Distressed Property Institute in Austin, Texas, said that agents such as Gustafson with the CDPE Designation have valuable perspective on the market, and training in short sales that can offer homeowners real alternatives to foreclosure, which can be devastating to credit ratings.

    “These experts better understand market conditions than the average agent, and can help sellers through the complications of foreclosure avoidance,” he said.

    The Distressed Property Institute provides live and online courses to train real estate professionals how to help homeowners in distress, with a strong focus on handling short sales.

    “Our goal is to help as many homeowners as possible, by educating as many real estate professionals as possible,” Charfen said. “Gustafson has demonstrated a commitment to struggling homeowners, a commitment that can provide much-needed stabilization to the community.”

    Wichita Falls Real Estate Web Sites

    by Ashton Gustafson

    Good morning to you!

    We  wanted to remind those of you looking to buy or sell Real Estate in the Wichita Falls, Burkburnett, Iowa Park, and Sheppard Air Force Areas about the sites we've created just for you. - For Sellers - 

    Complete the required information on your home and you will receive a complimentary Computer Analysis, indicating your home's approximate present value on the market today. You will receive this information quickly, by email, and without having to speak with an agent! - For Buyers -

    Receive FREE email alerts of new bank-owned properties for sale in the greater
    Greater Wichita Falls Area.
    Unsubscribe at any time. - Foreclosure prevention site. 

    In an approved short sale, the lender agrees to accept less than is owed for the property, and the homeowner is relieved of the debt.  A lender may be willing to do this because it spares a lot of hassle and expense involved in executing a foreclosure.  And typically, a short sale does far less damage to the homeowner’s credit than a foreclosure does.

    Please let us know if you have any problems navigating through these sites.

    Wichita Falls, TX, Real Estate

    New Financing Available in Wichita Falls

    by Ashton Gustafson


    Wichita Falls, TX - Real Estate Info You Should Know

    Effective January 4th American National Bank will begin accepting loan applications for the above new 1st Time Home Buyers Loan Program.  The rate will be 4.75% with no down payment assistance (DPA) and 5.25% with 3% DPA.  The loan will have a 1% origination fee with standard closing costs.  The program is available under FHA, VA , or RHS (USDA Rural Housing) loans with standard qualifications. Veterans do not have to be first time home buyers to qualify for the program.  Loans may not close until January 18th, 2010 and the origination period is until December 24, 2010.

    American National is very proud to be the lead lender in this program with $10MM dollars in funds available and is very happy that they were able to be instrumental in providing assistance to the HFC to insure that there was up to $450,000 in Down Payment Assistance for the program.  We will be providing additional information as it becomes available but please give any of us a call with questions or for application for you under this important program for our community.

    How Do You Measure a Year?

    by Ashton Gustafson

    Good Monday morning to you!

    What an eventful few days we've had here in The Falls...10 inches of snow and it stuck!!! This has definitely been a week I will never forget, and may never see again.

    But here we are. In a few short days, 2009 will be over...and what a year it has been. We've seen the stock market rally back to near all time highs, numerous decisions being made in D.C. that will affect all industries, unemployment near all time highs - every day a new surprise on the front page of all our papers. It has surely been a up and down, "yen and yang" year.
    I saw most of this coming in October '08. I made the decision January 1 to work harder than ever, get to work an hour early and stay an hour late, and do whatever it took to insure successful Real Estate endeavors for my clients in 2009. And that we did - up over 20% from the year prior.

    So how do you measure a year? Click here to see how I have.

    How do you measure a year? from Ashton Gustafson on Vimeo.

    Happy New Year and thank you, thank you, thank you.

    God Bless,


    Snow in The Falls - Homes Still Selling!

    by Ashton Gustafson

    Ashton keeps selling homes in Wichita Fals even in 10 inches of snow - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

    ashton's real estate on the NO GO from Ashton Gustafson on Vimeo.

    Even in 8 inches of snow, Ashton is still selling property.
    Merry Christmas to all.


    Wichita Falls Real Estate Update - December 21, 2009

    by Ashton Gustafson

    Good Monday morning to you!

    Who says December isn't busy???? Its looking like we could be having one of our best December's ever - and, with most of this activity looking to close in January and February, 2010 is already posting sales on the board!

    This market, however, continues to be a price war. We are coaching our sellers to be as aggressive as they can in their pricing - the inventory of homes grows each day, and buyers are very price sensitive. But think of it this way - 2 years ago a buyer could purchase a $150,0000 home @ 6.5% for 30 years with a monthly principal and interest payment of $948 - today, the same buyer can purchase a home for $180,000 @ 4.75% for $938/month.

    I says this to encourage both buyers and sellers...Sellers, this is a 20% increase in affordability...sell your home today, and move up - you'll be glad you did in the years to come. Buyers, with rates at a 38 year low and below 5% this an incredible time move from your apartment or rental.

    Remember, our sites: - Thinking of Selling? Looking to Buy? - Thinking of investing? - Problems with your mortgage?

    I want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. May you rest and relax well this week.

    "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." John 1:14

    80 Open Houses Today!!!

    by Ashton Gustafson

    Good morning. Have you planned on going to open houses today in or around Wichita Falls? In all reality, we offer open houses 24 hours a day for our Wichita Falls listings. Today I am having 80 open houses!!! 80???? Yes, online that is - and you can view them at any time. See 

    Please let me know if you would like to preview any of these in person or if I can answer any questions for you. - Investor's Site - Thinking of Selling? - Having trouble with your mortgage?

    Displaying blog entries 111-120 of 181

    Contact Information

    Photo of Ashton Gustafson Real Estate
    Ashton Gustafson
    The Bishop Realtor Group
    1916 N. Elmwood Ave.
    Wichita Falls TX 76308
    Office: 940-691-7355
    Fax: 940-691-7363